Today, my youngest sis,hani, goes back to her hostel after 1 week holiday..during her stay at home, i flipped over her chemistry book..i told her that, i would be very happy if only i had chance to go back to school life..but she reacts oppositely..she said that, she’s not happy coz she’s tired with the so many homework, nasyid practice,etc..n she also said that form 4 elective subjects like chemistry,etc are tough and hard to understand..i told her, that, to master in those subjects, one needs to study diligently and be patient..hopefully, she understands wat i say...
11 mac 2010,my former students got spm result .overall, the result is okay. They did very well.some of them, got very excellent result. I’m very happy 4 them. As for my subject,mathematics (which i tought 4 only 5 months),i heard that 7 out of 33 got A and 4 students fail the paper. During trial, half of the class failed in the paper and for real exam only 4. Dat was an achievement! I heard dat some of them were really upset . they didn’t get as they expected..i hope they will overcome their sadness soon. Life must go on.their journey had just begun. After this, they will enter tertiary level and dat require much more effort!
When i was a student, i remember dat some of my friends got very few A’s like 3 @ 2A’s, but they still managed to finish tertiary level with flying colors. This was due to the never-give-up spirit.hurm... I only talk about “they”..how bout “me” ??? hehe.. well...not many A’s i got...my result was not that excellent..i just score certain subjects ..i love mathematics & add math..so i worked hard 4 these subjects..sometimes,i feel regret 4 not putting much effort into other subjects such as physic,chem,biology..if only i study dilligently..
time passes by,until i got offer to study @matrix..I supposed to study hard @ matrix..but i didn’t..i only did well in the beginning..and my performance gone bad day by day..my cgpa was very low..i remember i was very happy,when i got 100 in mathematics for monthly test in the class which the students mostly from boarding skool and i only came from suburban skool and yet managed to get the best mark.holaa..big clap 4 me.tehee...but the excellent result was 1st and last...time passes by, my result gone bad..i didn’t really focus at academic due to several reasons..actually,i shouldn’t blame ‘the several reason’ that lead to my poor result..if only i focus & study hard....
Time flies, with the not that excellent result, i still managed to get into my dream university, UKM. I was extremely happy. UKM was the place where i learnt about life,friendship,hardship n how to be independent,etc.. At ukm, i started studying diligently. Campus life is not a comfort zone. One has to juggle between study and co-curriculum activities. I joined several clubs for example entrepreneurship club,etc. Luckily,i managed to stay in campus for 3 years consecutively n no need to rent house outside.wat a relief! =).
Student’s life finished when i graduated. It was long time ago..i really miss campus life..i miss to study at Tun Sri Lanang library..i didn’t mind to study 4 long hours coz it’s so condusive 4 learning. I miss those time. ..
As 4 my former 33 students , i hope they will succeed in their future undertaking..i miss them all.. i miss to teach and chat wif the students.. I miss my x-colleague (those experienced teacher there),n miss the skola too..huu..may mmbb will produce more n more excellent students..as 4 my former students form 2,3,4,5 (2009),thanx 4 the great time we had n hopefully, they will ‘sedekah’ al-fatihah 4 me when i die....
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